Video Remote Dispatch (VRD)
Video Remote Dispatch is a highly secure, tactical communications platform that allows any remote field personnel with an existing data-connected device to instantly access the next available dispatch agent or remote service using encrypted, live, real-time voice and video conferencing. Once connected, the remote video service or dispatch agent can now hear, speak and see what is happening on the scene, in real time. Imagine instantaneous situational support to dispatch medical help, call in backup, bridge in critical services such as language interpretation, or transfer the voice and video feed to the appropriate high-level director or department. This state of the art, secure platform provides critical, military grade remote support and services to those in the field without the need to carry additional equipment.
How it Works
Most field personnel already carry some type of personal or work issued smartphone device with mobile data connectivity. With a single click on the app icon or browser shortcut, a real-time, encrypted voice and video call is placed over the smart phone’s data connection. The call is immediately answered by the SOLVES platform, where the call is routed directly to a voice or video service such as a language interpreter or the next available trained dispatch agent. Using only a computer with a browser, the dispatch agent instantly answers the call to set up a two-way voice and video connection with the field agent. Dispatch agents are checked, hired and trained by the organization using the SOLVES platform, so all agents using the system are under the organization’s command. The dispatch agent can now hear and see anything in the device’s camera view in real-time. The field agent now has the advantage of an extra set of eyes and ears as if standing side-by-side on-scene. The dispatch agent can assist those in the field, call for backup, bridge in services, communicate with others on the scene or transfer the call to the appropriate command personnel. Not only does this give a field agent access to several needed services, it could also provide paramount lifesaving support in situations in which a field agent is alone and becomes injured or incapacitated.
Advantages of Video Remote Dispatch
- Allows real-time two way audio and video connectivity with optional text.
- Requires no new hardware for field agent.
- Works on most Android & iOS smart devices with a camera, microphone and speakers.
- Acts as a backup to existing radio dispatch services.
- Allows for calls from a certain group of field personnel to be routed to a local dispatch agent first, through localized call routing configurations
- Provides instant, direct access to over 100 languages via voice & over 25 languages via video, including American Sign Language.
- Provides access to post incident support (e.g. for CSI, Director, Politicians).
- Permits dispatch agents to remotely identify environment, cars, clothing, colors, license plates and people without direct audio input from field personnel.
- Supports existing remote provisioning solutions for management of Field Agent access software and smart devices.
- Grants the choice of use to the field agent.
- Records and stores interactions optionally, so information is available even if local recording equipment is damaged or stolen.
- Creates a highly effective deterrent for anyone interacting with a field agent.
- Saves the lives in medical emergencies.
- Enables agents to bridge on 3rd parties via video or telephone.
Video Remote Dispatch System Components
Field Agent Access Software
The SOLVES platform can be called from any browser that supports WebRTC, such as Chrome or Firefox, by simply clicking on a shortcut link. The platform can also be accessed from VTCSecure’s secure Field Agent Access App for Android & iOS.
SOLVES Admin & Supervisor Portal
The SOLVES Admin Portal allows for full administration of the SOLVES platform. This secure encrypted web interface enables the administrator to create dispatch agents accounts, configure call routing, and authorize system access, as well as set up queues, departments and organizations. The Supervisor Portal provides real-time reporting on the number of queues, agents and calls active on the system.
CRM Portal
This optional encrypted web portal allows for the adding and assigning of user account access to the system. Each field agent can be set up with an account and other agent information added. This information can be displayed to the dispatch agent and used for service billing or reporting purposes.
Dispatch Agent Access Portal
This secure HTTPS encrypted web portal allows a Dispatch Agent to login to the system to become available to receive calls. The Dispatch Agent Access Portal enables Dispatch Agents to: answer incoming calls, see and hear the real-time voice and video calls, display information about the field agent who called in, provide Dispatch Agent full call control to hang up, and transfer or bridge on services or other personnel.
The Automatic Call Distribution software runs on servers in which all calls are answered and routing decisions are made to ensure that the call is sent to the appropriate service or dispatch agent. All calls in and out of the system are encrypted.
Customized Reports and Recording Portal
This built-to-order, add-on portal grants an organization the ability to set up customized reporting and call recording engines. The reporting engine is used to track all call detail information for all interactions on the system. Custom reports can be created or data can be searched on a variable basis. This Portal also provides separate secure access to previously recorded interactions. Only administrators have access to this system, which is critical to ensuring a secure chain of custody for all recorded interactions.